Saturday 31 March 2012

Monkey grind

An interesting few days past this week... Started my new job at The Grill restaurant in Auckland, the first fine dining restaurant I have ever worked in. Partly run by Sky city, partly by an apparently famous Aussie chef Sean Connelly. I have to dress like a penguin, shirt, tie, waistcoat and shoes that give me blisters. Unlike all the other bars I've worked in, this is purely dispense bar work. Take a ticket, make a drink, pass it off to the waiters to get the glory. That being said, I made a 5 dollar top for "a stunning margarita", and I have been tipped as making the best old fashioned in Auckland thoug I suspect as the gentleman was 5 old fashioned down I could have given him a rum and coke zero and come out on top. I must confess, I'm already a little bored. The restaurant is quietening down as Easter looms and summer closes. The hardest part of the job is deciphering the acronyms for the 350 different wines. It's is quite nice to be back on the bottom for a bit, no paperwork, no real responsibility. There's another English guy working as a waiter who feels very mucho eh same having recently sacked in a GM job in England for a slice of the quiet life. I think I can stick it out for a few months, the pays not bad and the people are nice enough. I have already managed to break 6 rather expensive wine glasses and skewer myself with one, much to the amusement of the entire staff. O, and I tripped over a blind man, very nearly snapping his white I stick under my giant clown feet. Thought he was a street sweeper. And most unhappily, I am missing the ack.and beer festival due to work. Balls.

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