Saturday 22 September 2012

there may be 50 ways to leave your lover, but only 10 ways to exit this plane

Im feeling a little special today. jagerbombs and jet lag have muddled me up fantastically. After 30 hours of hell in the air (tin foil plane food withstanding) alex and i hit the town straight away, 10 beers and a $200 dinner later and 'special' doesnt even cover the feeling i have at this moment in time. alex is wollowing in a darkened room and his own self pity while i struggle with the english language. usually, once the shit filters off and my fingers hit the keyboard the whimsical nonsense flies from my digits uncontrolably. Today, I am seriously having to think which is hurting considerably. I think I may leave things here for now. the adventure has only just begun...

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